The Great Lady Olenna, the Goddess of Game of Thrones

The Great Lady Olenna, the Goddess of Game of Thrones

It is said every journey starts with a single step. I would say, “every relationship of our lives is a game of thrones,” and we all know when you play the Game of Thrones you win or you lose. Although there can always be a middle ground.
On a personal level, I have lost so many battles. However, I have never initiated this feroce game. I’ve always fought and defended myself such as the brave John Snow. That said, what I am today and how I handle life are due to many people, including my mother, father, books, life, and even television shows. But my favorite character has been Lady Olenna of House Tyrell. 
Thanks to my teacher Vandana and Sadhguru I began practicing Yoga. I have learned the power of pureness and positive energy. This is what Lady Olenna represents to me in Game of Thrones. I like to call her “The Goddess of Game of Thrones” (GOT). In this case, I agree with Ariana Grande. In GOT, God is a woman.
Now I would like to explain my favorite character. First of all, I want to start by saying GOT is my favorite television show of all time. Every time I meet someone, I ask them if they have ever watched Game of Thrones. If so, I ask them which is their favorite character. Most of them tell me their favorite character is the handsome and elegant Jon Snow.  Or the Imp, Tyron Lannister. I must say though I do admire Jon Snow. He was the bastard who turned out to be the real hero of GOT. In addition, I have a love-hate relationship with the Tyron Lannister character. Yes, I understand he was the one who chose Bran the Broken. However, he was the one who had my favorite character killed.
I now want to explain my theory of the Goddess of Game of Thrones, the Great Lady Olenna of the underdog House Tyrell. Second, the writers of Game of Thrones as well as the producers will pardon me if I interpret some facts differently. “Queens of Thorns”' is a cruel name to call the smartest and bravest character of Game of Thrones. She is perhaps the only character who plays the game of thrones with intelligence and fairness. “Speak freely child, we will never betray your confidence I swear it,” she says to Sansa.  Then thanks to her inner power, Sansa responds that King Joffrey is a monster. Eventually, Lady Olenna makes an alliance with the vicious Littlefinger to have King Joffrey killed.
Lady Olenna is first introduced by Margaery Tyrell. “It is my honor to present my grandmother, the Lady Olenna of House Tyrell.” She is not only representing the mother but also the grandmother who sacrificed and wanted the best for her children. Furthermore, she is a tolerant and welcoming character. This is demonstrated when she has a discussion with the Hand of the King, Tywin Lannister, and defends the superficially handsome Loras Tyrell. She defends his homosexuality stating that it was a natural thing. On the other hand, “brothers and sisters where I come from... would be very difficult to wash out.”
Lady Olenna kills herself disappointed with the outcome after Tyron Lannister, whom I consider the most overrated character of Game of Thrones, decided to invade Castle Rock. Instead of doing what Lady Olenna told Danaerys “be a dragon” and not listen to the Lord of Westeros because they were sheep. I believe she killed herself because Jamie’s mind is perhaps the most disturbing one in Game of Thrones. He never overcame the fact that he killed a crazy character in order to save the world. 
Without a doubt, Lady Olenna’s favorite person was her granddaughter, Margaret Tyrell. Lady Olenna was never afraid of sharing her thoughts aloud. However, she was not foolish. Before she dies, she reveals her secret to Jamie about Joffrey's death when she knew her death would be peaceful. “I’d hate to die like your son… it was horrible enough for me, a shocking scene, not all that I’d intended. You see I’d never seen the potion work before. Tell Cersei, I want her to know it was me.”
For me, her scenes with Margaret are fantastic and some of the best teachable moments. During difficult times I have listened and watched certain scenes several times:
“I can’t believe you’re going, leaving me alone with these people.” “The time has come my dear, there is nothing more tedious than a trial, perhaps this garden,...” “The Margaret Tyrell… will inspire” “She might think we have a wise attitude about us. One of us in any way. It was treason. I warn them.” “Nonsense, those circumstances have been proven remarkably.” “You may not have enjoyed him watching him dying but you would have enjoyed it more than if you had married him I promise you that.” “Our alliance with the Lannister remains as necessary to them as it is unpleasant to us.” “Lucky for you the Queen Regent is rather distracted, mourning her dear departed boy, accusing her brother of a crime he didn’t commit… because I do know.“Did you think I would let you marry that beast?” " And my favorite one is "You must act quickly".
Her relationship with Tywin Lannister, the peacemaker, is rather exquisite. She did not like him but she respected him. “He understood the necessity of working with rivals rather than destroying them,” she told Cersei Lannister. The moment in which Tyron Lannister put the wine in Joffrey’s cup, we never see at which time the poison was put there. In fact, it is in a wine container, in front of the Queen Mother. That is why she accused Tyron of poisoning her son. The only explanation I found was that Lady Olenna is a Goddess with magic. In my opinion, she is the most delicious character ever created of all time.
The poison works right away. In fact, she had never seen the poison work before. But when Tyron gives Joffrey the wine, Joffrey has already drunk it. Lady Olenna just looks at the wine. In a matter of minutes, Joffrey dies. Then cynically she exclaims, “help the poor boy!” “Idiots help your King!” In fact, she describes in detail Joffrey's to Jaime although she could not see him when he died. Only Cersei and Jaime saw it. She never talks to Jaime nor to Cersei regarding it. It is not shown when Lady Olenna put the poison in Joffrey’s wine. Yes, it was in Sansa’s necklace and Tyron gave the “poisoned wine” to Joffrey. This is one of the questions without an answer. In fact, we would have never known the truth regarding the evil Joffrey's death had it not been for her confession. 
One of the scariest scenes is when she goes to the brothel in search of Littlefinger. She knew the kind of man he was but was not afraid of him. She also confronted the High Sparrow to ask for her grandchildrens'  freedom. She called him a fraud because she could smell a fraud from a mile away.
I love this character. Her honesty, determination, and wisdom inspire me. However, in my opinion, Cersei Lannister is the character who really destroyed her. Lady Olenna confesses before allowing Jaime Lannister to kill her. Lady Olenna's prior mistake was her failure of imagination. She also accepted she regretted her rule in spraying the deceased, Cersei Lannister. That said, the dialogues with Cersei are great, beautiful, and witty. Here are some:
“You can smell a shit from 5 miles away.” “Rumors and gossip that all they got.” “Get some rest dear you look poorly and let me deal with Cersei Lannister.” “Your Grace, I have traveled a long way.” “Put the pen down my dear we both know you are not writing anything.” “And the famous tart, Queen Cersei.” “You will get your apology when I get Loras.” “Do you think our alliance will continue when you throw our future into prison?” “You are not welcome.” “My dear, you have been stripped of your dignity and authority, publically shamed, and confined to the Red Keep. What is left to work with?” “Many will die no matter what we do. Better them than us.”“That is hardly your concern.” “Loras rots in a cell because of you. The High Sparrow rules this city because of you. Our two ancient houses face collapse because of you and your stupidity.” “Good.” “I wonder if you are the worst person I've ever met. Until a certain age, it is hard to recall. But the truly vile do stand out through the years.” “Do you remember the way you smirked at me when my grandson and granddaughter were dragged off to their cell?” "I’ll never forget it.” “I’m leaving this wretched city as fast as I can before that shoeless zealot throws me into one of his cells. If you’re half as bright as you think you are, you’ll find a way out of here, too.” “What’ll you do then? You have no support. Not anymore. Your brother’s gone. The High Sparrow saw to that. The rest of your family has abandoned you. The people despise you. You’re surrounded by enemies, thousands of them. You’re going to kill them all by yourself?” "You’ve lost Cersei. That’s the only joy I can find in all this misery.”
Lady Olenna is the most wonderful and brightest character I have ever seen on a television series. I would love to write her story because I am sure she has high power.


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